Tag Archives: Hawaii

Strolling Around Tallinn’s Old Town

Early the next morning, the ferry docked in Tallinn and I took my first steps in Estonia. I disembarked and headed toward the Old Town and my hostel. It turned out to be farther than I expected, but I made it even while humping my two backpacks.

My hostel was located down a quiet, cobblestone lane. As I entered the main door and walked up three flights of stairs, I marveled at the well-worn steps of the stone building. How old was this place? It dawned on me that I could never find anything like this in Hawaii.

After getting settled into my room, I joined some people from my hostel on a walking tour of the city. This tour was led by a local student and she provided really good historical background on the city.

The tour guide took us around the Old Town for about two hours. It was a fun introduction to a city and country of which I had no previous knowledge. I think this is one of the best ways to learn about a new place – straight from the mouth of locals, especially when they’re young. Young people usually give you their honest opinion about their home.

I enjoyed my first visit to Tallinn even though it wasn’t originally on my list of must-see places. The Old Town is compact and easy-going on foot. The architecture is authentically medieval and interesting. It just feels historical, even though I’m sure it’s not one of the first places to come to mind when you think about visiting Europe. The Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so others must agree with me. I wish I had more time to explore the area, but I only stayed for a few nights.

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Filed under Accommodation, Estonia

I Found Love on Love Lane

The 80’s Guesthouse on Love Lane in George Town, Penang is truly filled with love. Jon and Farah, who often work the front desk, really make you feel welcome, but when Jon brought some of his friends to work, I knew I was in love.

You see, Jon breeds all types of reptiles and introduced me to a corn snake and a chameleon. My heart skipped a beat when I saw these beautiful creatures. The corn snake was particularly wonderful with its bright orange and cream markings.

When Jon informed us that they were safe to handle, I quickly called dibs on the tangerine beaut. She was really docile and appeared to love being handled. According to Jon, she was just a baby and still had more to grow. However, I doubt she’ll ever be as big as an eastern carpet python like Pandora.

Reena enjoyed the chameleon, who reminded me of Pascal, the animated chameleon in the movie Tangled. The chameleon was more active than the snake and it was fun watching her walk along Reena’s arm.

I think it’s very safe to say that I have not outgrown my love for snakes since leaving Australia. In fact, the limited access I’ve had to them has probably increased my fascination and desire for them. It’s unfortunate that snakes are prohibited in Hawaii or else I’d definitely think about getting a scaly pet.

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Filed under Accommodation, Malaysia

Round-the-World Trip: Part Deux

The second time you do something is always easier than the first, and planning for my second round-the-world trip was no exception. Despite not really having any solid plans once I’m in Australia, I was confident that things would sort themselves out.

My parents weren’t exactly thrilled when I told them I was going to travel again and would be away for at least a year. My mom took on a fatalistic view of the situation, knowing there was nothing she could do to stop me from leaving again. After all, I’m spending my hard-earned money, and it’s my life to do with as I wish. Her main strategy was to alternate between encouraging and overprotective. She thought I was being a hippy and just hoped I would get it out of my system so I could come home and settle down. My dad simply laughed and shook his head in disbelief. He’s a homebody and would never willingly choose to be away from Hawaii for very long.

I decided to use the same backpack as it had held up pretty well, and, by this point, I had the packing and unpacking of it down to a science. I planned to cut the number of things I brought with me because the 18+ kg pack I left with the on my first trip was a bitch to hump around (although I know people who were lugging 20+ kg around!).

It’s always hard to pack for a long trip because you want to plan for every circumstance, from snowing to sweltering, but can’t. You have to pick clothes and footwear that will survive the harsh conditions of life on the road, continual wash and wear and be made of quick-drying materials. You should also pick things that are comfortable to wear and stuff you really like because you’ll be stuck wearing it over and over.

I also eliminated my first aid kit as I didn’t really use anything from it last time. If a need arose, I could always pick up medicine from a chemist once I arrived. I also ditched extras, such as small gifts from Hawaii for people I met. While this is a very nice gesture, it also added weight that I didn’t need. People would just have to enjoy my sunny disposition and leave it at that.

With my life packed away in boxes once more, it was not difficult to envision living out of a backpack again. While it would be hard to give up all my beloved tv shows and films (especially since I was finally able to catch up to the current seasons), I knew new experiences awaited and was excited for the prospects.


Filed under Hawaii, Travel